Minnesota Book Awards

The Minnesota Book Awards are presented annually for books created by writers, illustrators or book artists who are Minnesotans. The award, originally established in 1988, is organized by The Friends of the Saint Paul Public Library.

Awards are presented in eight categories: Children’s Literature, General Nonfiction, Genre Fiction, Memoir & Creative Nonfiction, Minnesota, Novel & Short Story, Poetry, and Young People's Literature. In addition, awards are presented for Readers' Choice, the Minnesota Book Artist (recognizing a Minnesota book artist or long-standing book artist collaborative group for excellence of artistic work, as well as significant contributions to Minnesota’s book arts community) and the Kay Sexton Award (which is presented to an individual or organization in recognition of long-standing dedication and outstanding work in fostering books, reading and literary activity in Minnesota). The award honors Kay Sexton, a book buyer for many years at Dayton's Department Stores and B. Dalton Bookstores in the Twin Cities. She was the first recipient of the award in 1988.

The Minnesota Book Awards was created over two decades ago by The Friends of the Saint Paul Public Library as part of a larger festival of the book. In the intervening years, the Book Awards was led by other host organizations, but throughout, the groups and individuals heading up the Awards strove to showcase the tremendous literary talent and output of the state. Having again assumed leadership of the Awards in 2006, The Friends continues this long tradition of honoring Minnesota books and authors.

Books created by writers, illustrators or book artists who are Minnesotans are eligible for Minnesota Book Awards. The Awards are given each year for books published in the previous year. For instance, the winners in 2008 were books published in 2007. The Book Awards process begins with nominations, which are received from authors, publishers and others from throughout the state. From the nominated works, Award finalists are chosen by panels of preliminary round judges. Award winners are then selected by different, final round, judging panels. Over the years of the Book Awards program, the categories of Award winners and the number of finalists has varied from year to year, but now remains firmly at eight categories, with four finalists in each category.

From the Minnesota Book Awards website: "A book unread is a tragedy. In addition to celebrating writers and books, the Book Awards program connects Minnesota readers to Minnesota books. Thanks to strong library and bookseller partners, and through active promotion efforts, the Awards program works to have more people of all ages read, and especially to read and support our own authors, publishers and book creators. Read local!"

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